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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Ballerina

This has been written for Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus.  Please visit her site...

I was only five when I started taking many different types of dance classes

Loving  them all I spent many years learning and practicing.
Every lesson,having a goal to meet, a little block inside new shoes.

After many years of learning the basics and the french names of each new step
My mother gave me  a box wrapped with a pink ribbon

"An involuntary gasp of shock escaped my lips when I opened the shoebox and saw the pointy-toed shoes..."
I think, this was the happiest moment in my life



  1. what a beautiful,delightful sweet

  2. Aww, this was so sweet. I liked this dance idea for the prompt. Good centus.

  3. Ah mummy is living vicariously through her daughter. Seen it happen many times.~Ames

  4. Great take on this prompt. Never even considered ballet slippers.

  5. Red toe shoes - she'll be the envy of everyone in her class!

  6. It really is a sweet post! Good job!!

  7. Of course! I didn't think of ballet shoes. Well done!

  8. I remember getting my first pair of toe shoes, too. It was exciting!


  9. what a sweet little story!how lucky she is!

  10. What a great take on the prompt. I would have never thought of dance shoes.

  11. Where would we be without our precious memories? This is so well done and touching.

    Thanks and Namaste..........cj

  12. That was so cute...
    Cherished memories :)

  13. Nicely done! A very heartwarming tale!

  14. I love the different way you took this.

    I wrote this prompt with a vision of elf shoes in my head...and so many have been macabre. And this one, while non elf, is beautiful and uplifting.

    What a fun week of reading.

  15. This text seems to stand alone! I haven't finished reading everyone's SC yet, but so far no one has thought of ballet-shoes. Or the joy of being a little girl who can take ballet-lessons! I have two nieces that have been taking ballet-lessons for ten years or so and they can dance in toes shoes. I am so proud of them.
    You have written a heartwarming, happy text about the love of an art form - dance. And you were not tempted to make it macbre or wierd. You let it be a purely happy and innocent text.
    I love this!
    Best wishes,
    Anna's SC wk 32
